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Ad Moderation

Advertisements done by users are published after the moderation process and admin approval. We work hard to better serve the users and keep HollySale, a clean and user-friendly community.

User Ads Gets approved within few minutes to 24 hours, but in some cases may take longer, We do our best to avoid spam advertisements.

Make sure that you are posting ads in the right category as the wrong ones will not be approved.

User Advertisment without Proper images, and description will not be approved. Users must post the Advertisement images with their correct and proper description.

User Advertisements without Ad Description and Ad Title will not be approved.

Do not use the same Ad Description for two different Ad items, this can get you banned from the platform.

Do not Copy and Paste the Same Ad Title and Descriptions for different Ads and different items.

Each Ad must have a unique Ad description and Ad Title.

Advertisement with grammar mistakes, and missing Ad Title and Ad description will not be approved and will be deleted.

User Advertisements that have poorly written Ad titles and Ad Descriptions will not be approved and will get deleted, and users can get permanently banned for posting spam ads.

User Ads that contain personal information in Ad titles like Contact Phone Number or Personal Name will not be Approved.

User Ads that contain incomplete or missing phone number will not get approved for example if your contact number is 055xxxxxxx then don’t display it as 05xxxxxxx or 52xxxxxxx instead of 052xxxxxxx. Please remember to give a complete and valid phone number otherwise we shall consider your ad as spam.

We do not approve international ads, this platform is only for the residents of United Arab Emirates. 

Please read our Terms and Conditions and Privacy policy and Safety tips to know the right conduct and use of HollySale Apps and web versions.

We appreciate your patience. Thank you

Please Note:

— We do advertisement moderation does not mean that the posted ads are error-free, spam-free, or trustworthy, our ad moderation is limited to the appropriateness of the advertisements like proper ad title, description, and image only, we do not take any responsibility for the trustworthiness, accurateness, and genuineness of the advertisements, however, we ban and remove the ads that seem to violate our ad policies, but we cannot ensure which advertisement or users are trustworthy or not, and for that reason, the user’s discretion and due diligence are required.

Please read our full terms and conditions and guideline, and safety tips to learn the right conduct of use.
